Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BVC welcome

                         Welcome to purgatory.

             the future... life as we know it ends with the end of the body.

But the journey has now begun. Dimensional transference or simple out of body experience. Catholicism Buddhism Even Hinduism has strong beliefs in the future travels of the soul of the mortal.

They cant all be completely wrong?...can they?

                                  Many have come this way before. As many will come this way again and again.

I am the keeper of the souls who cross my gate. There are many gate keepers in my circle. as there are in all the circles of nine.
And there is no crossing my gate until your destiny is granted.

Time is non existent here a year can pass in but a moment and a moment can consume years. And the life stories can become woven lifetimes of love or treacherous despair.
But this is a story for yet another time.

                                 Today we are here to welcome the new arrivals.
The gate will open to the arrivals and close tightly until there time arrives to move on. The land of Blackstone Junction is ready to receive them shall we meet our new arrivals


              Not so many any more but we do get the special breed of soul here
passion and purposeful souls will remain here inside my gate

here she is on time as promised.

               Amanda Ciders female violent tendencies but a good heart.
As so many others of her time she was the victim of circumstances beyond her control.
Sadly she must remain here til she has come to terms with her demons.
sadly time may pass for Milena. We shall see...

Her journey has been long and dangerous. but her soul is ready to be reborn.
But for now we shall remain patient, and bring her through slowly.

You see you are not quite the same here. There are no barriers to hide behind.
No walls to build just your inner self. some are Ugly some are beautiful,and yes some are demons. I just don't know until the the blessed inception.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

recipe book

My Blog

recipes from the mizer kitchen

Jalepeno Margarita

Share Ingredients
  • kosher salt
  • ice cubes
  • 4 fluid ounces tequila
  • 2 fluid ounces triple sec
  • 2 limes, juiced
  • 1 tablespoon agave nectar
  • 1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
  • 1 limes, cut into wedges
  1. Pour 1/4 to 1/2 inch of salt onto a small, shallow plate. Moisten the rim of two with water and dip into the salt. Fill with ice, and set aside.
  2. Pour the tequila, triple sec, lime juice, agave nectar, and jalapeno into a cocktail shaker over ice. Cover, and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker has frosted.

BVC. Legend of Calypso

Blackstone Valley Chronicles:                                                            


   Calypso Queen of,, The River Mermaids....

From the American Indian mythology of California come tales of the River Mermaids, also called Ho-ha'-pe or Water Women. The Ho-ha'-pe are beautiful with long hair. They usually live in deep pools, and are known at several places along the Merced River. In that part of the river which runs through Yosemite Valley they have been seen a number of times.

Another lives in the deep water a little below Blackstone Valley. At this place a few years ago some Indians from Bear Valley and Coulterville came to catch salmon. They put their net in a deep place in the river, and when it was full of fish tried to pull it out, but could not, for it was stuck on the bottom. The Water Woman had fastened it to a rock, but the men did not know this. One of them went down to find where the net had caught, and to lift it up. While he was doing this the Water Woman put a turn of the net-rope around his big toe and he was drowned. Then several of the men had to go down to get him. After they brought up his body all of them saw the Water Woman in the pool below, and saw her long hair float out in the current.

This story takes place after the west was settled. The Indians continued to add stories to American Indian mythology up to modern times.

The story of Ho-ha'-pe the River Mermaid, varying more or less in details, reaches north at least to the American River, where the Nissenan (who call her Ho-sa'-pah) have the following version:

Two maidens were walking along the American River below the foothills when they heard a baby cry. They followed the sound and soon saw the baby lying on a sand bar in the edge of the river. One of them reached down to pick it up when it suddenly changed into the River Mermaid, who, seizing the young woman, dragged her into the river. She cried out and her companion took hold of her arm and pulled and pulled as hard as she could to save her, but the River Mermaid was the stronger and dragged her under the water and she was never seen again.

The other maiden ran home to the village and told her people what had happened. She was so terribly frightened that her mind became affected and in a short time she died.

Mermaids are often shape-shifters in both European and American Indian mythology. In Europe, this trait probably carries over from the time when they were goddesses. American Indian mythology may have adopted this from the Europeans, or it may just be coincidence. I am struck by how mermaids are always described as having long hair. Could this be because the stories all have a common source? Or could it be simply that men like long hair on women?

Well that is the legend this will be the chronicling of the sightings of Calypso …

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blackstone Valley Chronicles part two

Amid a roar of silence..

                                     The entire mob stood in shock at the scene they had just witnessed. A lifeless and bloodied body of Nichole laid at the feet of Cider who simply stood there looking down and smiling. Knife still in hand dripping with the still warm blood of her slain victim. i remember hearing ever so quietly " just for kicks huh "

Her eyes ablaze with A rage of vengeance hands clenched tightly, but a calming feeling was so overwhelming. Strange i thought so strange.


The violence that surrounds us can be subdued by most of us, but that leaves some to let it flow out of them like words themselves.

Some need it like some need air to breathe. It is completely natural. But when someone who normally controls there anger or thoughts of violence, the outcome can be somewhat evil in comparison.


So for the purposes of our story lets say that besides petty crimes and misdemeanors Cider was a good person at heart. She was a free spirit always trying to run for freedom.

Circumstance however coincidental, or fate whatever put these two together and simple attrition forced them to decide who stayed and who didn't.

Mother Nature can be a bitch when she wants too be!


A trial followed, well a trial on paper anyway. Cider would not cooperate with her attorneys and was simply urging the hand of fate to race her off this mortal coil like she was chasing a ghost and acting like the ghost was gaining ground on her.

After the trial the verdict simply... Guilty as charged! And the Death penalty to be carried out as soon as the moon was to be full.


A smile came across Her face like she was granted freedom?

Emotions were scattered some felt a just verdict some thought a disgrace.

But this was a justified outcome. A few weeks later on the Day of her execution she refused her priest and declined her last rites, stating she believed in nothing and would not recognize the courts authority that was judging her.


We all gathered at the windows of the Yard .. everyone curious the outcome.

As soon as the Moon began to rise we were all astonished as to its bright Orange color.

some would call it The Hunters moon.

i was personally amazed at the stunning color.

A loud metal clang and a rusty gate squealed open to reveal two guards with Cider being led out from the darkness. To the wall, wearing simple rags with chains binding her wrists and ankles.


She was then quietly led to the wall.

                                                  A legend born....





Stay tuned for part two of the Blackstone Valley Chronicles

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blackstone Valley Chronicles

       It is said. That the dead must travel along the rivers of the underworld in order to reach their final destination, Unfortunately their are those who may never reach their final destination. And those who simply get lost along the way.
Purgatory the land between neither up nor down.

Stationary and  a never yielding land between here and there.
There are many stories here, this is but one of them. River tributaries of the Blackstone Valley are vast and numerous much to many to even count. Among them are mighty Island weypoints for travelers to explore. On these islands exist small towns and villages which play host to many a lost soul.

This is the story of.... Nicole...
Evil has never quite inhabited such a beautiful young creature..
Long gracefully flowing black hair flawless face of an angel Eyes strong enough to melt the soul of the hardest man alive.
But a Heart filled with Evil,

Now Nicole's life on this mortal plain however brief was a continuous nightmare for her and the people who surrounded her. She began her life as innocent as us all, but quickly lost her way.Nicole never made it to high school instead she was to spend her high school years in a women's penitentiary. murdered a convenient store clerk for two hundred dollars, just for kicks i believe she said on her way out of court.

Just for kicks
I remember the headlines vividly.
Well as much as I remember that we must all remember that fate also remembers.
As it turns out the clerk that Nicole murdered just for kicks had a sister ...
Who just so happened to be an inmate at that very same women's institute.
Oh I do love it when a plot thickens!

Now Cider was a long forgotten sister and not a whole lot was  known about her at this point, except her arrest a few years back that is but a vague memory. Seems Cider had an affinity for driving very fast. If memory serves me right something about a five hour high speed chase in which the reason she was finally caught was simply running out of gas..When she was interviewed in the courtroom the judge asked her where she was going and she replied quite simply Southbound baby Southbound

Upon Nicole's release into general population, She strutted through the walkway with her ever so kiss my ass look on her face. Absolutely spitting in the face of anyone she made eye contact with. But what she didn't realize was that she had already been targeted by Cider. As she reached the end of the walk she was still completely unaware of what was about happen.

But happen it did like a blink of an eye she was gone from this mortal plain..

and this is but the beginning of this story..

feedback and questions would be great

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tomato Free Chili


This is a tomato free Chili. I was asked to find and after making it a few times chose this as the this is the basic recipe. When i made it i used other ingredients just to satisfy my own curiosity. I would love some of you to try it and let me know what you use to modify to your own version.


  • 2 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
  • salt to taste
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped (optional)
  • 3 cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 5 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregan                                                                                          1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 (15 ounce) can cannelloni beans, rinsed and drained
  • 2 (12 ounce) bottles chili sauce
  • 1 (14 ounce) can beef broth
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup chopped jalapeno pepper (optional)


  1. Crumble the ground beef into a soup pot over medium-high heat. Cook and stir until browned. Drain off the grease, and season with salt to taste. Add the onion, bell pepper, and garlic; cook and stir for about 3 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium, and season with Worcestershire sauce, chili powder, cumin and oregano. Cook and stir for another 5 minutes.
  2. Reduce heat to low, and stir in the chili sauce, beef broth, kidney beans and cannelloni beans. Cover, and simmer for about 35 minutes. Ladle into bowls to serve, and top with shredded Cheddar cheese and jalapeno.